Rails Command line cheatsheet

Create new rails app

$ rails new name

Starts rails server

$ rails s

Create scaffold which will create model, view ,controller etc etc etc

$ rails g scaffold Product name description:text price:decimal brand

Update database with new model.

$ rails db:migrate

Updating database

Adding extra colum to database eg: adding a brand to product model

$ rails g migration addBrandToProduct brand:string

This generates a migration file, update the databse with $ rails db:migrate

Removing columns is a similar process

$ rails g migration DeleteBrandFromProduct brand:string

Update the databse $ rails db:migrate

Set up

setting up home page

root "controller#method"

adding users etc see devise docs

Linking between models

Eg: Linking city model to resturant model where city has mutiple resturants

$ rails g scafold city name:string
$ rails g scaffold resturant name:string city:belongs_to

If you don't relate them initally when you generate them you can later

belongs_to :city in resturant class and has_many :resturants in city class.

Also need update database to add forgein key to resturant

$ generate migration AddCityRefToResturants city:references

which creates a new migration file. Then run to update your database

$ rails db:migrate

Rails console

To enter console

$ rails console

select specific model

$ user.all

rails acive record middleman between layer and db

$ user.sum(:points)
$ user.maximum(:points)


Show all routes in app

$ rails routes

Add data manually to Db from dB\seeds.rb

$ rails db:seed